hi. welcome to my website. i suddenly got the urge to become a niche blogger who posts their deranged ramblings on the internet for everyone to see, so
here we are. use the sidebar to get to different parts of the website, and click the header to go home.
there are a lot of things that i feel like archiving and/or showing off to people, so i thought i would also use this website to store that stuff. generally, this website will be chock full with rants that are a byproduct of my various thought disorders, notably circumstantial thinking and asyndesis. i will do my best to proofread these rants and make sure that they're actually legible, though.
My name is Hansel. Dad, I want some ice cream. Hansel, that is my name. Hansel, I want another, Hansel. Where is my Luke Wilson? I'm running out on the road. There is a car. And it is going to hit me.